PX to REM converter
Common PX to REM conversions
- 8px = 0.5rem
- 10px = 0.625rem
- 12px = 0.75rem
- 14px = 0.875rem
- 16px = 1rem
- 20px = 1.25rem
- 24px = 1.5rem
- 28px = 1.75rem
- 32px = 2rem
- 40px = 2.5rem
- 48px = 3rem
- 56px = 3.5rem
- 64px = 4rem
- 72px = 4.5rem
- 80px = 5rem
About PX to REM Conversion
The conversion from pixels (px) to rem (root em) is a common practice in web development, especially for responsive design. The rem unit is relative to the root font-size (usually 16px by default in most browsers), whereas px is an absolute unit. Using rem allows developers to scale the entire layout easily by changing the root font size, making it more flexible and scalable for different screen sizes and devices.
For example, if the base font size is 16px:
- 1rem = 16px
- 2rem = 32px
- 0.5rem = 8px
Formula for PX to REM Conversion
To convert pixels (px) to rem, use the following formula:
rem = px / base font size
For example, if the pixel value is 32px and the base font size is 16px:
rem = 32px / 16px = 2rem