Pyeong (평) to Square Feet Converter


Common Pyeong to Square Feet Conversions

  • 16 Pyeong (평) = 569.33 sqft
  • 21 Pyeong (평) = 746.34 sqft
  • 24 Pyeong (평) = 854.00 sqft
  • 32 Pyeong (평) = 1,138.66 sqft
  • 43 Pyeong (평) = 1,529.07 sqft
  • 60 Pyeong (평) = 2,134.98 sqft

About Pyeong to Square Feet Conversion

Pyeong (평) is a traditional Korean unit of area, often used in real estate to measure apartment or land sizes. One pyeong is equal to approximately 35.583 square feet (sqft).

For example:

  • 1 Pyeong (평) = 35.583 sqft
  • 10 Pyeong (평) = 355.83 sqft
  • 50 Pyeong (평) = 1,779.15 sqft

Formula for Pyeong to Square Feet Conversion

To convert pyeong (평) to square feet (sqft), use the following formula:

sqft = pyeong × 35.583

For example, if the pyeong value is 2 Pyeong (평):

sqft = 2 × 35.583 = 71.166 sqft

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