REM to PX Converter
Common REM to PX conversions
- 0.5rem = 8px
- 0.625rem = 10px
- 0.75rem = 12px
- 0.875rem = 14px
- 1rem = 16px
- 1.25rem = 20px
- 1.5rem = 24px
- 1.75rem = 28px
- 2rem = 32px
- 2.5rem = 40px
- 3rem = 48px
- 3.5rem = 56px
- 4rem = 64px
- 4.5rem = 72px
- 5rem = 80px
About REM to PX Conversion
The conversion from rem (root em) to pixels (px) is important when you want to determine the exact pixel size based on the root font size. The rem unit is relative to the root font-size (usually 16px in most browsers), while px is an absolute unit. Converting rem to px helps to visualize or ensure consistency in design.
Formula for REM to PX Conversion
To convert rem to pixels (px), use the following formula:
px = rem * base font size
For example, if the rem value is 2rem and the base font size is 16px:
px = 2rem * 16px = 32px